Ministers of Jesus Christ
Church of The Lord Jesus Christ
Assemblies of The Apostolic Faith
Atlanta, Georgia - USA
Apostle Dennis G. Smith, Pastor and Spiritual Overseer

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Am I A Born Again Christian???
The New Birth
Written by Apostle S.C. Johnson               Continued by Apostle S.M. Shelton
The Truth now being declared by Apostle Dennis G. Smith

page 7 of  8

    Cornelius received the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues as the spirit gave him utterance,  (Acts 10:44-46) but he had to be baptized in Jesus Christ's name after he received the Holy Ghost which, is the New Birth.  (Acts 10:47)

    So, my dear reader, if you have not been baptized in water in Jesus Christ's name and filled with the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues as the spirit gives you utterance as they did in Acts 2:4, you are not saved; you do not have the New Birth Jesus spoke of.  Therefore, you will not enter into the kingdom of God.  Now you may be a bishop, general overseer, presiding elder, preacher, pastor, deacon, missionary, usher or lay member, you may have been in a church for 75 years, but in the language of Jesus Christ, "Except a man be born again of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    In my conclusion to those who claim to have the gift of the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues as the spirit gives them utterance, and refuse to be baptized in water in Jesus Christ's name, you are just as lost from God's kingdom as one who has never heard of it.  Peter commanded those who had received the Holy Ghost to be baptized in the name of the Lord.  (Acts 10:48)

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